mandag den 26. maj 2008


Hi Again...

Well it seem that all the DoF files still are on Rapidshit.. :D

So until i have found another way ,, i'll change the link on all DoF files
so the only place to download them,, are on Rapidshare...
if you have probs downloading from there,, please let me know.. and i'll
either put them on my own server,, or another place ,, where you have no probs

Sorry for all this...

3DFetish / Artsong

2 kommentarer:

plummet sagde ...

Thank you for posting many fine comics, but would you please not post fansadox? We are a small firm in Spain, and we support many artists and their families. By giving away our entire inventory, you make it hard for us to stay in business.
Thank you, plummet

3DFetish sagde ...
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